In the latest updates to Hexo Icarus theme, the page view count is not showing by default.
To add page view count at the footer section, we need to modify the code a little bit.
Modify /node_modules/hexo-theme-icarus/layout/common/footer.jsx
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
| showVisitorCounter, visitorCounterTitle, showPageViewCounter, pageViewCounterTitle
{showVisitorCounter ? <br /> : null} {showVisitorCounter ? <span id="busuanzi_container_site_uv" dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{ __html: visitorCounterTitle }}></span> : null}
{showPageViewCounter ? <br /> : null} {showPageViewCounter ? <span id="busuanzi_container_site_pv" dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{ __html: pageViewCounterTitle }}></span> : null}
showVisitorCounter: plugins && plugins.busuanzi === true, visitorCounterTitle: _p('plugin.visitor_count', '<span id="busuanzi_value_site_uv">0</span>'),
showPageViewCounter: plugins && plugins.busuanzi === true, pageViewCounterTitle: _p('plugin.visit', '<span id="busuanzi_value_site_pv">0</span>')
Modify node_modules/hexo-theme-icarus/languages/en.yml
1 2 3 4 5
| plugin: backtotop: 'Back to top' visit_count: '%s visits' visitor_count: 'uv %s' visit: 'pv %s'